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Baked Baron Bigod with white wine, garlic & rosemary by Dulcie Crickmore

Posted on December 9, 2022 by Rosie

Baked Baron Bigod

If anyone should know how to bake our Baron Bigod to perfection, it’s Fen Farm Dairy co-founder and creative director, Dulcie Crickmore. Here is Dulcie’s personal favourite way to enjoy Baron Bigod in all its gooey glory.

Serves 2 as a snack

  • 1 250g wheel of Baron Bigod cheese
  • 1 Clove of fresh garlic (crushed)
  • A small handful of fresh rosemary
  • A small handful of dried cranberries
  • 3 tablespoons of white wine
1. Pre-heat the oven to 425˚F/220˚C/Gas mark 7.
2. Remove the wrapping from the Baron Bigod cheese and place it inside a small oven-proof baking dish or brie baker.
3. Sprinkle the crushed garlic, cranberries and rosemary on top of the cheese.
4. Add the white wine over the top, so it soaks all the ingredients.
5. Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is wobbly and melting.
6. Grab crusty bread/crisps/crudités and get dunking!

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