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FenFarmDairy - When is the right time to eat Baron Bigod?
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Inside Fen Farm Dairy: When is the right time to eat Baron Bigod?

Posted on January 31, 2023
by Rosie
How do you like your cheese? What does “ripe” really mean? How does a Brie style cheese mature? We discuss all this and more while tasting Baron Bigod through its different stages from day one to two years!
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FenFarmDairy - Baron Bigod on French TV

Fen Farm Dairy on French television

Posted on February 16, 2023 by Rosie
We knew we’d finally made it when French television station France TV Londres got in touch to ask if they could come and find out more about our British Brie. They were fascinated when they heard that a French Brie de Meaux style cheese made in the UK had won the Best British Cheese Brand…
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FenFarmDairy - What do cows eat?

Inside Fen Farm Dairy: What do cows eat?

Posted on November 17, 2022 by Rosie
Join Jonny as we take a deep dive into one of his favourite subjects. If you think cows just eat grass, this might surprise you.
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FenFarmDairy - Looking back, looking forward

Looking back, looking forward.

Posted on November 1, 2022 by Rosie
In this final episode of our 12-part series, we reflect back on the changing seasons and the excitement and challenges they bring to all involved at Fen Farm Dairy.
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FenFarmDairy - Sustainability at Fen Farm

Episode 10 – Sustainability at Fen Farm Dairy

Posted on August 4, 2022 by Rosie
In our latest short film we meet Emily Evans, Environmental Lead at Fen Farm Dairy. Emily is spearheading the farm’s response to the pressures of climate change. As a business we strive to work with nature and to use technological innovation to both mitigate the effects of environmental change and to make a positive impact by reducing emissions and…
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FenFarmDairy - The Archers is inspired by Fen Farm Dairy

How our cheesemaking story inspired The Archers

Posted on July 12, 2022 by Rosie
In 2013 we were visited by Anna Hill from BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today. She was keen to discover what had prompted Jonny and Dulcie to travel to France in 2012 with a dream of bringing the Montbéliarde breed of cow back to the UK and making a French style brie in Suffolk. It just so…
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FenFarmDairy - The history of Fen Farm from Graham Crickmore

Episode 7 – The history of our farm with owner Graham Crickmore

Posted on May 1, 2022 by Rosie
Meet Jonny’s Dad, Graham. Graham has been farming in this part of The Waveney Valley since he was a small boy. We follow Graham on his rounds and see parts of the farm we haven’t visited before. The big question is, does a farmer ever really retire?
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FenFarmDairy - Meet Molly and the herd

Episode 4 – Meet Molly and our herd in the milking parlour

Posted on February 2, 2022 by Rosie
In the fourth episode we meet Molly Alexander. Molly works in the milking parlour and in the office, handling all sides of the business. We see the care and attention Molly pays to the herd. And we see the critical sense of humour needed when starting work at 4am even in the depths of winter.
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FenFarmDairy - Behind the scenes

Episode 1 – Behind the scenes at Fen Farm Dairy

Posted on November 1, 2021 by Rosie
Ever wanted to get an insight into the inner workings of a dairy farm? We’ve teamed up with the brilliant Cellarman Sam to bring you one short film per month over the next 12 months. We’ll take you through the realities, the seasons, the challenges and exactly what’s involved in running our farm and making our products.…
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