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FenFarmDairy - When is the right time to eat Baron Bigod?
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Inside Fen Farm Dairy: When is the right time to eat Baron Bigod?

Posted on January 31, 2023
by Rosie
How do you like your cheese? What does “ripe” really mean? How does a Brie style cheese mature? We discuss all this and more while tasting Baron Bigod through its different stages from day one to two years!
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FenFarmDairy - What do cows eat?

Inside Fen Farm Dairy: What do cows eat?

Posted on November 17, 2022 by Rosie
Join Jonny as we take a deep dive into one of his favourite subjects. If you think cows just eat grass, this might surprise you.
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FenFarmDairy - Looking back, looking forward

Looking back, looking forward.

Posted on November 1, 2022 by Rosie
In this final episode of our 12-part series, we reflect back on the changing seasons and the excitement and challenges they bring to all involved at Fen Farm Dairy.
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Pumpkin fondue

Pumpkin & Baron Bigod Fondue by Joey O’Hare & Katy Taylor

Posted on October 28, 2022 by Rosie
Here’s one of our all time favourite dishes to serve when hosting friends and family. It’s interactive and fun, and exceptionally tasty! Baron Bigod, made by Fen Farm Dairy, is a creamy and flavoursome soft rind cheese made in Suffolk with raw milk from free-ranging Montebeliarde cows. These cows originate from Jura in eastern France,…
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Richard Bainbridge

Richard Bainbridge’s Baron Bigod Pithivier

Posted on October 4, 2022 by Rosie
Award-winning chef Richard Bainbridge of Benedicts restaurant in Norwich has been a supporter of Fen Farm Dairy products from day one. We are over the moon to share with you his favourite autumnal recipe featuring our very own Baron Bigod cheese. We hope you enjoy it! Serves 4 The Pastry 500g Strong Plain Flour 20g…
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FenFarmDairy - How we make Skyr yoghurt

Episode 11 – How we make our Skyr yoghurt

Posted on September 22, 2022 by Rosie
Meet Daniel Gale, former zoo keeper and now our Skyr maker at Fen Farm Dairy. You may know us better for our Baron Bigod cheese but we also make a delicious cultured butter. To make the butter we must skim the butter fats from the milk leaving skimmed milk as a waste product. As part…
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FenFarmDairy - Sustainability at Fen Farm

Episode 10 – Sustainability at Fen Farm Dairy

Posted on August 4, 2022 by Rosie
In our latest short film we meet Emily Evans, Environmental Lead at Fen Farm Dairy. Emily is spearheading the farm’s response to the pressures of climate change. As a business we strive to work with nature and to use technological innovation to both mitigate the effects of environmental change and to make a positive impact by reducing emissions and…
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FenFarmDairy - How we make our Bungay Butter

Episode 9 – How we make our cultured Bungay Butter

Posted on July 15, 2022 by Rosie
We meet Shaun, former truck driver now the man behind our delicious Bungay Butter. This raw milk product is second only to Baron Bigod in popularity and is the mainstay in bakeries, restaurants and for several top chefs across the UK.
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FenFarmDairy - The Archers is inspired by Fen Farm Dairy

How our cheesemaking story inspired The Archers

Posted on July 12, 2022 by Rosie
In 2013 we were visited by Anna Hill from BBC Radio 4’s Farming Today. She was keen to discover what had prompted Jonny and Dulcie to travel to France in 2012 with a dream of bringing the Montbéliarde breed of cow back to the UK and making a French style brie in Suffolk. It just so…
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FenFarmDairy - Making Baron Bigod

Episode 8 – A day in the life making our Baron Bigod

Posted on June 5, 2022 by Rosie
We join Deputy Head Cheesemaker Tom Livermore as he takes us through the cheesemaking process behind one of the UK’s most loved raw milk cheeses – Baron Bigod.
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FenFarmDairy - The history of Fen Farm from Graham Crickmore

Episode 7 – The history of our farm with owner Graham Crickmore

Posted on May 1, 2022 by Rosie
Meet Jonny’s Dad, Graham. Graham has been farming in this part of The Waveney Valley since he was a small boy. We follow Graham on his rounds and see parts of the farm we haven’t visited before. The big question is, does a farmer ever really retire?
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FenFarmDairy - Looking after our customers

Episode 6 – Looking after our customers

Posted on April 3, 2022 by Rosie
In episode 6 we meet Iona, our Customer Relations Manager. Iona is a great example of someone who connects the farm to our customers. She looks after our retail, wholesale and restaurant accounts, which makes her a very busy lady! As she says herself, “once you’ve tasted Baron Bigod, it sells itself”.
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FenFarmDairy - Managing production of our dairy products

Episode 5 – Managing the production of our milk and cheese

Posted on March 13, 2022 by Rosie
Join Stevan Peckett, Production Manager at Fen Farm Dairy. Stevan has to deal with staff shortages, unpredictable ordering patterns and the challenges of producing great quality, raw milk cheese. It’s February on our small farm in the Waveney Valley, the wind is cold but Spring is definitely in the air.
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